Is a 2.0 GPA Good?
A 2.0 GPA is a full point under the national average, which is a 3.0 GPA. That’s not considered very good, but it isn’t as condemning as a GPA in the 1.0–1.9 range. If you work consistently, you should be able to pull it up above a 3.0.
For high school students
If you want to attend top tier schools, you'll need to bring your grade up a lot, at least to a 3.5 GPA. Even for less prestigious schools, a 2.0 isn’t high enough to be considered for admission.
For college students
Since most graduate programs require a GPA of at least 2.5, you have significant work to do if you’re planning on attending. A GPA of 2.0 indicates that you are not serious enough about your studies.
How Can I Raise My GPA?
A high GPA takes consistency and dedication. If you’ve got a few semesters before graduation, you can pull your GPA up significantly.
Focus on classes that are giving you the most trouble.
Ensure that you understand the material. Just because you complete assignments doesn’t mean you grasp the concepts enough for an exam.
Write out a schedule to see when you’ll have time to study.