College GPA Calculator
Quickly calculate your college or semester GPA,and learn to do it yourself.
Calculate your high school,college and cumulative GPA,check your grades and understand how the GPA scale works.
Quickly calculate your college or semester GPA,and learn to do it yourself.
Track and save your high school GPA to keep tabs on your academic progress.
Figure out your overall GPA,and how you stack up against the national average.
Converting your grades is an important(but tedious)part of the GPA calculation process.To alleviate some of that tedium we've created a separate tool that takes your letter or percentage grade and converts it to a value on the typical 4.0 scale.
Discover the most effective ways to bring up—and keep up—your GPA.
Easily master weighted grade calculations and track your class performance.
Curious how GPAs are calculated?Take a look at our comprehensive guide detailing the basic formulas involved with calculating unweighted,weighted,college and cumulative GPAs.We'll give you a hint,they're not all the same...
Check(and save)your grades while making sure you're on track to hit your class goals.
What do you need on your final to get an A in class?Learn how to figure it out!
Use our handy tool to take the complexity out of calculating weighted grades.
GPAs can be complicated,so we've compiled a list of the most common queries.What is a good GPA?What is the average GPA?Discover answers to these and more.